Miniatures by Maxine Guy-Davis

Maxine is my extremely talented elder sister (Pennsylvania) who specializes in oil paintings, water colors,  and charcoal drawings.  In other words, she is a REAL artist who does things I couldn’t begin to attempt.  The AMAZING tiny paintings below were very time-consuming projects, and I know I am supremely blessed to have been the recipient.  THANK YOU, MAXINE!


The amazing landscape shown above is as beautiful as any of its full-size counterparts could ever be!  Maxine made a tiny brush from a toothpick and an eyelash so that she could paint this beauty in the most minute detail!


Still using the toothpick/eyelash “brush”,  Maxine painted this beautiful miniature for the College Street dollhouse (which was originally hers).  This painting is based on a favorite Thomas Kinkade painting.


These amazing paintings were created specifically for the Casa Maria dollhouse.  The one on the left is a miniature rendition of the popular “bark painting” style so iconic for Mexico.   I have never before seen a miniature bark painting – Maxine did an incredible job in replicating this style, and it is doubly exciting for me as I have always loved bark painting, and have several full-sized bark paintings in my own home.  The beautiful painting of the Holy Virgin features opulent gilt detail and beautifully exemplifies the use of devout Catholic imagery prevalent in so many Mexican households .  Both are beautiful originals and are amazing features for an amazing dollhouse.

Last modified on: January 21st 2013.