Ethnic Dolls
I absolutely love dolls, and have had a wide range of them during my lifetime. I do, however, tend to especially love the “ethnic” dolls from all around the world. I think that is because of two main reasons: (1) My (maternal) grandmother traveled the world and we decorated her lovely Christmas tree every year with dolls from the countries she visited; and (2) I, myself, am fascinated by the various cultures of the world and their art forms, so I find the dolls interesting from a historical, as well as aesthetic, viewpoint.
As I have begun photographing my dolls, I have come to realize that I have a larger collection than I realized. Please check the sub-categories for the regions you are interested in.
The two dolls below are both pieces I found during one of my “treasure hunting excursions”, and I like them because they remind me of some of the dolls my Grandmother would have used on her Christmas tree. I believe the one on the (bottom) left may be Turkish and the one on the right may be Swedish.
All for now, but check back often as I have a sizable collection of ethnic dolls and will be adding photos & descriptions as time allows.
Last modified on: October 7th 2012.