
Although the primary focus of my glassware collection is mostly dinnerware and stemware, I do have a number of glass figurines.

I am a real animal lover, so I am always drawn to beautiful figurines of any type of creature.  This beautiful, vibrant bird figurine is from Japan and was manufactured by the Tilso company.  I don’t have any information regarding its age.

Japanese Tilso - Bird Figurine 01AA

The lovely little lady shown below is from Germany.  I am unsure of the age of this piece, and there is some damage, but I think that even so, she is special and should be enjoyed.

Also in the “Dresden” style is this diminutive little girl.  I have no information about her.

The lovely Persian couple shown below are figurines that were given to me many years ago by my sister, Maxine Guy-Davis.  I think they are charming.

Shown below is an interesting piece from China.   I have no information about it in terms of age or manufacturer.

The lovely Victorian ladies shown below are all porcelain Avon “Mrs Albee” award figurines.   I started collecting these when I actually sold Avon, and was awarded one each year for achieving a high level of sales.  Unfortunately, I lost all of my hard-earned pieces in a house fire and all of the ones you see here are replacements that I was able to locate for purchase.  I am still missing a few of my original pieces, but hope to locate & purchase them in the future.

I have just opened this category and as such,   have not photographed the rest of my collection.  Please check back soon, as I will be adding additional photos very soon.

Last modified on: April 20th 2013.