Herald Leader Feature – Bowling Green, KY
Prior to my move to Lexington, I lived in Bowling Green and was heavily involved in my beadwork. At the time, my work was sold in several galleries throughout Kentucky . . . (both “Taste of Kentucky” stores in Louisville, the Western Kentucky Museum gift shop in Bowling Green, and a quaint little shop in Glendale . . . just to name a few). On two occasions, I was also featured in a “one woman art show” through the Taste of Kentucky stores in Louisville.
During my residency in Bowling Green, I was a member of a beaders group, and therefore had many friends that shared in my enthusiasm for this art form. One of those friends was Professor Lesa Dill. In addition to doing beadwork, Lesa (like myself) is a polymer clay enthusiast. We got together many a weekend to work on various projects, and we often provided one another with creative ideas that helped one another hone our skills. I am sure that if we still lived in close proximity, Lesa and I would be feeding off the creativity of one another even now.
I was contacted by the Herald Leader about being featured in a story in their Living Section about the beadwork quilt blocks being contributed to the 9-11 Bead Quilt Project. As Lesa and I both provided blocks for that project, and since we were doing so much beadwork together, the feature became something of a story about the aspect of our creative teamwork. The photos were taken in my Bowling Green studio, and the project I am shown working on was later featured in a full-page advertisement for Fire Mountain Gems.
Unfortunately, the picture below is a bit incomplete, but it does give a general idea of the article. It was well received, and helped bring awareness of the 9-11 Bead Quilt Project to many people who may not have heard of it otherwise.
Last modified on: March 25th 2012.