Aggie “Woggles” Guy – RIP, my little friend!
Aggie came to live with me when I lived in Bowling Green. He was already in his advanced adult years when he joined my household, so I knew I wouldn’t get to have him with me as long as I would wish. At the time I got him, I had a cat with Feline Leukemia, and Aggie hadn’t been vaccinated. I owe a huge “”thank you” to my good friend, Professor Lesa Dill (Bowling Green) for her assistance . . . she not only got him vaccinated for me, she temporarily housed him until it was safe for him to come into my home. I will be forever greateful to Lesa for this huge favor.
Aggie was the sweetest little fellow . . . always even tempered, always delighted to see me when I got home from work. His long hair gave him a deceptively heavy appearance, but he was as light as a feather. I don’t remember how I ended up giving him his odd nickname of “Woggles”, but he absolutely loved it. My sister, Maxine, always got a kick out of him being so pleased by it. She loved him almost as much as I still do – in truth, I think he was her favorite of my cats. Aggie & I enjoyed a number of mutually affectionate years together before I lost him. He left me on Election Day, 2010. He is sorely missed, but never forgotten.
Last modified on: March 24th 2012.